Tuesday, October 12, 2010


And not really enjoying it.
Yesterday and today have been surprisingly productive.  I ended up at a neighbors apartment for a couple of hours to study for the chemistry exam both days and I actually think I might have gotten somewhere.  It should be better than last time at least...I hope.

I've made a new goal for myself.  Things have gotten static again so I need to mix things up.  I've already mixed a couple of things up but it doesn't feel like enough.  I don't feel satisfied with my life right now.  So I'm going to rearrange my room to hold me off for another couple of days and then I'm going to have to do something.  I'm not sure what yet, but it has to be something.

Oh but back to the point, my goal: I'm going to get into shape with school, it's gotten to the point where it's not even funny how much I put off.  Starting the second I post this I'm going to be in school mode.  I'm going to fix my life so I can get to where I want to be.

Which means I'm going to email my advisor tomorrow and request to switch my major. Oh damn.
And then I'm going to do research this week on what schools I'm going to apply for transfer.  Or maybe I'll stay here.  But either way, I need to explore options at least.

So here goes.
Skål till mitt nytt liv?


Jennieber said...

Skål! Allt löser sig :) Btw, menar du idag 17.00 eller i morgon torsdag? för i morgon är jag busy...;/ Idag hade varit awesome! Annars till helgen! :D Puss o Kram!

Emma said...

Hanna, i need you, läs gärna min blogg. Vi måste skypa!