Friday, October 1, 2010

So Cold...

I have just showered after a very unproductive yet busy day.  It started with a History exam, followed by a chem lab, followed by a business exam, then dinner, a game of flag football (which we won, hells yeah), and then rushing out the door to go to a foam party.

Yes yes, we went to a foam party.  It was fun, but lets just say that I picked up a couple of stories that I wouldn't share with just anyone...

And while standing outside the club waiting for a cab, soaking wet, that cold front that I was so excited about decided to really rub itself in my face.  By blowing cold wind.  While I'm wearing shorts and a tank top and am dreeeenched.

And now my phone got soaked so we'll see if it functions entirely in the morning...

Poor decisions were made tonight.  I have homework due at 08.00am (5 hours), a class at 08.30, and another exam at 14.30...

But tonight was totally worth it.  This is what college should be about, am I right?

OH.  And Eminem & Lil Wayne's video for "No Love" premiered tonight :)

Now I'm off to finish homework, study, and sleep...I have to be up in 4 1/2 hours? WISH ME LUCK.

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