Friday, October 22, 2010

Have a Cigar

I don't think it's healthy how much I love Pink Floyd...Or what am I talking about, of course it's healthy.  It should be the preferred lifestyle of everyone in the world.

Anyways.  My blog posts have been pretty boring recently.  So let's liven it up!

Today is my sisters 21st birthday, super excited for her :)  So we're going to a mexican restaurant for dinner where she'll probably have a margarita or something haha.  It's exciting but at the same time, we were allowed to do this when we lived in Sweden so it doesn't have quite the same excitement since we've been through this before..

Now Tyler and Michelle are watching Trainspotters in my living room.  It's interesting so far but I'm leaving soon so I won't be able to watch it :/

We'll see.  Let's see if I can get something interesting on here before the weekends over..

1 comment:

Emma said...

Vad gör vi? NU KÖR VI :D

Visst gillade du låten ;) SÅÅÅÅ SKÖN! Önskar du var här och partade med mig! :/
