Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oh the weather outside is frightful

Today's weather took a turn.  It rained all day.  No, correction, it POURED all day.  There were a few hours with just a bit of drizzle, but mostly it was pouring so I was drenched walking to classes.  But I made it through and even managed to work on some homework and get organized a bit.

We decided to eat an early dinner with Alexis and went and sat and ate, etc etc when suddenly Cathryn was like "Can we go?"  Usually she's the last to finish eating but now she seemed really nervous so we were like "yeah, of course...whats the rush?" she responded that a storm was coming and crazy weather really freaks her out.

So we left and walked home and turned on the news when we got there.  You can imagine the silence in our apartment as the news anchors told us that tornadoes had touched down close to us and were heading directly for us.  We prepared ourselves and kept the news on, our eyes glued to the screen for about an hour straight.  Phonecalls home and to friends were made to ensure that people were off the roads and in safe places.  At about 19.00 the real danger was over and we relaxed.  The giant cloud that had produced the tornadoes had passed over us without extending a funnel of wind, so we were lucky.

I had forgotten that Dallas was in tornado alley.
I had forgotten that I would have to deal with the tropical storm weather that comes in from the gulf of mexico.
I had forgotten all those times that me and my siblings were sent to the bathrooms with a blanket and a pillow and all our important documents in hand in the case that we would be blown away.

Oh and Jennie.  About that thing we discussed.  Det blev inget.  Jag var besviken att börja med, men nu har jag kanske nånting nytt som jag måste berätta om ;)

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