Friday, February 26, 2010

The Twenty Sixth of February

It began with Paper 2 for English mocks.  Inte bra!
But the day got so much better afterwards.
I was healthy, for one thing!  It was sooo nice to not feel like crap.
I love not being sick :)

We went to lunch (Pasta!) and then went to borrow ice skates from the gym.
After that we started the long journey through gammlia forest and to find our way to Brantberget.
Let's just say we were a little confused on where we were going.

It was so pretty with the snow falling and all the trees...

We didn't want to turn...So we asked a nice lady passing by on her skis and she pointed us in the right direction :)

Our Vilhelminabo

Playing some game after FINALLY arriving at the skating rink by the slope

Vad duktig du är deson :P


Asså, Deson.  You are much funnier than you believe.
It isn't just us that think so.

Afterwards Deson and I began to walk home which was like an adventure, seeing as we didn't really know the way.  But she had an idea of where we were going so it all worked out in the end.
What would I do without you Dea??

I don't know what I'd do without any one of you.
It's hard to imagine not knowing you guys.
It was meant to be.
It occurs to me now that moving to Sweden was a fairly impulsive decision.
It took 2 years to make happen, but it was after being here that one summer that I asked if it was possible and my parents said yes.
Just maybe.
Maybe I got the idea because it was fate, or whatever word you care to use.

I think it could be.
I mean, why else?
We are SO connected.
It's almost scary.

I've made my decision I think.
Undergraduate - UTD
Then I might move to Sweden permanently.
If I can find a job.

It's starting to feel incredibly...right.
I'm dying cause I love Sweden and Texas so much.

1 comment:

Krazycate said...

I must say, that impulse desicion might have been the best impulse you've ever had :D At least for us ^^ It wouldn't have been close to the same if you weren't a part of the gang :)