Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wish I Didnt Want






A Sunday Afternoon's Stroll in the Park

The snow is literally up past my knees!

Best Classical Song Ever

I like classical music, don't get me wrong.
But I don't generally listen to it...

And this song came on shuffle and it just really is the best classical song I have ever heard, and I've heard a looot.  I lived with my grandparents for a year.  I played viola for the school orchestra for 4 and a half years.  I've heard classical music.  This still comes out on top.

Dea and I are going out for another walk now :)
Tired of being cooped up inside.

<3 Äffish

Veridian Dynamics

Yes, yes.  I've fallen in love with Better Off Ted :)

Yesterday was really nice.  Dea and I walked to Hemköp and then just around while it was snowing and pretty.

We also saw the snow sculptures.
Sooo cool :)  It must be so difficult to create such huge things and especially since it keeps snowing!

I love Umeå :)

Saturday, February 27, 2010


It is snowing like crazy right now.
It's so pretty outside :)

Anyways, because it's snowing so so much and because Dea needs to get/check some things in town, we've decided to go out for a while and just enjoy being outside :)


We'll be back later :)


After watching The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (Amazing film, would definitely recommend it!) I realized how many tv series I actually watch.  I even counted.  23 Tv Shows.  I'm not caught up with all of them, but as far as I know, all except for maybe 2 are still running.  I don't have the time to watch them all, but I plan on watching them when I have time...

There are only 7 that I have seen every episode of, but I've seen many episodes of the others, just not all.  I'm working on it though.

But I don't want to be that person who spends 12 hours in front of a tv screen every day so I'm trying to spread it out.  But I have some catching up to do...


Mocks this week:

Busy week.
The Orange is the one I'm not sure about because I missed the tests last week when I was sick

Oj, vad sugen jag är på det här:

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Twenty Sixth of February

It began with Paper 2 for English mocks.  Inte bra!
But the day got so much better afterwards.
I was healthy, for one thing!  It was sooo nice to not feel like crap.
I love not being sick :)

We went to lunch (Pasta!) and then went to borrow ice skates from the gym.
After that we started the long journey through gammlia forest and to find our way to Brantberget.
Let's just say we were a little confused on where we were going.

It was so pretty with the snow falling and all the trees...

We didn't want to turn...So we asked a nice lady passing by on her skis and she pointed us in the right direction :)

Our Vilhelminabo

Playing some game after FINALLY arriving at the skating rink by the slope

Vad duktig du är deson :P


Asså, Deson.  You are much funnier than you believe.
It isn't just us that think so.

Afterwards Deson and I began to walk home which was like an adventure, seeing as we didn't really know the way.  But she had an idea of where we were going so it all worked out in the end.
What would I do without you Dea??

I don't know what I'd do without any one of you.
It's hard to imagine not knowing you guys.
It was meant to be.
It occurs to me now that moving to Sweden was a fairly impulsive decision.
It took 2 years to make happen, but it was after being here that one summer that I asked if it was possible and my parents said yes.
Just maybe.
Maybe I got the idea because it was fate, or whatever word you care to use.

I think it could be.
I mean, why else?
We are SO connected.
It's almost scary.

I've made my decision I think.
Undergraduate - UTD
Then I might move to Sweden permanently.
If I can find a job.

It's starting to feel incredibly...right.
I'm dying cause I love Sweden and Texas so much.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sugen på skor


(Baby Phat)


(Forever XXI)

Jag vill köpa nya saker.  Nya skor, nya kläder.  Fast jag behöver inte dem egentligen så jag ska vänta tills jag har lite mer pengar.  Ska hoppa över spring shopping och spara pengar till sommar.

Det är mycket mer värt att åka utomlands än att ha nya skor, tror jag.
Jag skulle hellre resa och se världen än ha pretty things.

Men jag vill ha saker ändå, så det är bara att suck it up och acceptera att det blir inte så att jag får vad andra får.  Jag måste välja vad jag vill och särskilt om jag ska åka tillbaka till Texas måste jag spara spara spara!

Det finns några saker jag kommer att behöver sen men det här är allt jag kommer att köpa tills kanske Juli:

  • Ett väldigt fint halsband
  • Ett par shorts
  • Relapse 2 (if its ever released!)
  • Resa till Spanien (inkl souveniers!)
  • Sweat pants och en hoodie
  • Skor när jag kommer tillbaka till Texas...
Och sen måste jag hitta ett jobb och få körkortet och kanske köpa en bil.
Ja...Jag MÅSTE få stipendium om jag kommer att få råd med alla det här.

Spring Cleaning

Eftersom det är ju nästan vår (eller är det vår redan?) har jag börjat göra lite Spring cleaning.
Har just städat sovrummet :)  Nu finns det nästan inga damm (hur skönt som helst!) och solen skiner och allting känner bra.

Jag har till och med diskat efter lunch och ska städa tv rummet snart.
Men min magen känner lite konstig igen och jag har fortfarande ont i huvudet så jag tänkte bara vila lite.

Nu går Dea till skolan och Intersport.  Jag vill följa fast jag tror att jag inte kommer att orka hela vägen.  Det är svårt nog bara att gå omkring lägenheten ibland.  I morse var det ganska lugnt och jag mådde ganska bra men nu kommer det igen och jag vet inte varför :(

Men jag lyssnar på Queens of the Stone Age och det gör det bättre.

We get these pills to swallow
How they stick in your throat
Taste like coal.

Oh what you do to me
No one knows.


Nu sitter jag med massa saker att göra men orkar ingenting.
Vill inte plugga, vill inte göra mina svenska uppgifter.
Så istället ser jag på den gamla svenska filmen Glasblåsarns Barn.
Än så länge är den ganska bra.  Stellan Skarsgård är i den.
Han är ju så duktig :)

Idag har jag bestämt att allting skall gå bra.
Jag får inte vara sjuk ännu mer.  Idag är sista dagen.
Hoppas att mitt kropp håller med.

Here's the plan:
-Enviro rapporter
-Plugga (Mathe, Engelska och Enviro)
-Städa lite kanske? Har diskat men lägenheten behöver lite dammsugning... och jag har allting på golvet överallt.

Wish me luck :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Sick sick sick.

Woke up this morning and just knew that I wasn't going to school.
Everything hurt.

I walked down to Preem about half an hour ago and got some Powerade and a pizza for lunch.
Mexican style :)
I was craving it.
Got to go now.
The oven should be done by now.

This is saving my life right now.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Jag mår bättre fast inte bättre.
Huvudvärk som faaaan!

Tror jag ska bara snuggle up och se på film ikväll.
Plugg lite och sov gott.
Vakna tidigt och gå till skolan.
Business och Mathe prov.

The Phantom of the Opera

Hur bra som helst.
Älskar den här filmen...

Hemma Bäst

Nu sitter jag hemma.  Orkade inte ta business provet.
Det känns som att jag ska kräkas hela tiden.
Orkade inte äta heller.

I thought it would be good for me to try to take the test
but now I'm glad I came home.
My stomach is empty again and I'm happy I was here instead of skrivsalen.
I hate being sick.

But I'm not going to take this day for granted.  I didn't want to leave but since I had to, I'm going to rest and make sure I am healthy and ready for business and math tomorrow.
Ugh.  Math.
I'm going to have to study tonight.

I think I was dreaming in swedish.
Or at least, I was thinking as I was half asleep.
Why are my dreams so fucked up?
Like, really.
I haven't had a "normal" dream since god knows when.

"While you are dreaming, your body undergoes noticeable changes.  Your adrenaline rises, your blood pressure increases, and you heart beats faster. Given this hyperactivity, it should be no surprise how someone with a weak heart can die in their sleep. Their heart may not be able to withstand the strain and the erratic changes that their body is going through."

After reading this, I believe my expression was: O.O


"To dream that you are being abducted by aliens, indicates your fears of your changing surroundings or your fear of losing your home and family. You feel that your space and/or privacy is being invaded."

I had my alien dream right before I moved here.  Interesting.

Dålig Kväll, Dålig Morgon

Allting bara gick fel.
Jag var lite känslig i magen igår men efter vi åt gick allting neråt.
Jag kräktes bara en gång, men det var allting i magen.
Vet inte var det kom från.

Och i morse hade jag engelska prov och hela tiden trodde jag att jag skulle svimma.  Men nu är jag klar med det provet.  Fast jag har business snart.

Jag vill bara dööööö.

Så jävla typisk att jag skulle bli sjuk dagen innan mocks.  Helt plötsligt till och med.  Hanna L sa att det var kanske bara att jag var stressad, men det gjorde verkligen ont att göra nånting.

Och sen kom mardrömmar.
Och jag vaknade kl 1.30, 3.30, 5.30 och äntligen 7.00

Jag hade bestämt att jag skulle inte klaga men jag har så ont just nu jag bara bryr mig inte.
Huvudvärk, ont i magen, håller på att svimma.
Det var hemskt bara att gå till skolan.

Kill me now :(

Saturday, February 20, 2010


 After a 20 minute walk with Gayish and Deson, we arrived to Intersport only to find that it closed at 4pm.  It was 4.10pm. So we went to Stadium, Jula and then Willy:s

Gayish had frost on her hair and scarf

Trying out the equipment at Stadium

Willy:s has a reindeer!

Oh Gayish.


 We came home and decided to be drrryyyg and make a fountain next to the buddha sitting in the entrance :)


Now Dea and I are filled to the brim with tacos and are watching Melodifestivalen.
Not really doing so great.
This year is pretty bad, I think.
Or, it's the 3rd part and I've only seen the first and this one, so hopefully there were some good people in the 2nd and there will be more.

Ahah, nu snackar Dea och jag finska.
"teemu laine istumasalonki koira kirko maito"

Nästan flyttande.

So Here's the Plan:

1. Intersport and Willy:s
2. Tacos!
3. Melodifestivalen
4. Lite plugg då och då (måste skriva klart mina rapporter i enviro!)

Sverige - Vitryssland

Hah, jag har börjat blogga som faaaan.  Bara i några dagar...
Ja men...jag har kanske bara lite för mycket att säga just nu?
Vet inte direkt.  Men ja ja.

Igår var det Sverige mot Vitryssland (Sweden vs. Belarus) i ishockey.  Början och slutet var spännande, men mitten var lite långsam och tråkig.

Men Sverige vann, och det är poängen, visst? :P
Neeej men Vitryssland var också duktig, det var bara att Sverige spelade bättre igår...

Bilderna kommer från :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

A Bit of a Bite

I absolutely love this live version of Lady GaGa's Poker Face (performance from the Friday Night Show with Jonathan Ross)

P.S. Jennie, this is the only I was telling you about.

Fredags Mys Kväll

Finns inte så mycket bättre än en lugn mysig kväll efter en fruktansvärd vecka.



Jo tack

February Nineteenth In Pictures

A fabulous presentation by Gayish and Deson

Followed by extreme exhaustion in which I couldn't argue with Ällish messing with my hair and making me look super asian :)

Haha asian pose...

My amazing friend Ällish

Doin' the moongoose!


Now I'm home and hungry.
Luckily I cleaned up yesterday so everything is nice and organized.
Well, not everything, but close enough...
I'm watching a bit of Criminal Minds now and then it's dinner, studying and then maybe going to the gas station to get a bit of candy to munch on :)
Sounds like a plan!