Friday, January 15, 2010


Im listening to Heidi Montags new album, "Superficial"

Okay, so the entire album is really embarrassing to any pop artist.
It's so...redundant and unoriginal.
The only song that passed the radar was the albums title (superficial) and barely.  I mean, it was catchy, but ridiculous.

The lyrics are:

And I dont care,
That I keep pissing people off
Ima let em talk
I dont give a damn what they say
It isnt fair
That I wear diamonds for breakfast
And I know this isnt helping

They say Im superficial
Some call me a bitch
They just mad cause
Im sexy, famous and Im rich
I rock the latest fashions
And I set the latest trends
Girls say Im conceited
Cause they really wanna be me 



Anonymous said...

Friendship terminated. Reason for termination: you actually decided that listening to that album was worthwhile.

Hanna said...

haha it came up on spotifys homepage and i was curious cause i couldnt remember who she was and then it just went downhill from there :P