Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pa pa pa poke her face

Ahaha, this is a great song.  I'm surprised it took me this long to listen to the Man on the Moon album by Kid Cudi.  I like him actually, wasn't expecting to.

The name of this song is Make Her Say and it features Common and Kanye West

This one is Pursuit of Happiness (Nightmares) featuring MGMT

Dance to the Music

I have now registered for classes.  I attended Freshman Orientation and it was fun.
Jag hade verkligen roligt, samt hade det otroligt tråkigt och också hamnade på en jätte...obekväm situation. Den enda som jag kan säga är att det var en kille och han var inte allts min typ.  Allts.  Han var faktiskt så långt ifrån min typ som man kan komma.  Det var lite hemskt.

Men ja ja.  Har inte ens börjat skolan än.  Mitt schema suger, jag har lektioner överallt och börjar tidigt varje morgon.  Och jag fick inte vara med på fotbollslaget...Det sög mer än jag kan förklara.
Jag måste hitta nån idrott som jag kan vara med på.  Eller bara träna på egen tid.

Men idrott är så mycket kulare, eller hur?

Iaf, nu har jag kollat på filmen The Painted Veil.  Jag har sett den förut och till och med läst boken, men den var så jävligt bra endå.  Hemskt bra.  Väldigt...romantisk utan att vara klyschigt.

Nu ska jag gå och hjälpa till med maten.  Det blir koreansk mat ikv ;D  Det heter Samgyeopsal och det är nån slags koreansk bacon...  Iaf är det RIKTIGT gott!!  Man grillar vid bordet och äter det med ris och sallad och en olja sås grej precis när det är färdigt.  Ni borde äta det nån gång ;)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Off To See The Wizard

In this case, the wizard is Aivy.

Going to hang out with friends for the first time in a couple of days.  And that time it wasn't much of a hangout either, more like just saying hey and then going home to collapse in bed.

Hopefully I do better this time :)

Vi hörs sen!

Lazy Sunday

Not so lazy on our part.
We've been working on the fence since around 8 or 9 this morning.  Well we finished around 1...but still.  In this heat?  Not so lazy.  Pretty damn determined, if you ask me.

Working hard.

Hmm.  I dont have much to say.  I miss Sweden a lot.  All the time.  I dreamt about being there and saying goodbye to people again.  But it was okay cause I was still there...It's going to be hard to reinsert myself into American culture etc.  I'm already feeling like I don't exactly...hmm att jag inte passar in så bra än så länge, but that will hopefully change once I start school.

Speaking of which, I'm hoping my IB transcript gets sent in pretty damn soon.  I don't have any other transcript to give the school and they want one before I register for classes.  Sigh.  The few times I do things on time, it feels as if everyone I'm depending on doesn't, making me late through no fault of my own.  Which doesn't help when I'm usually late at my own fault.


I miss my graduation.  It was such an incredibly happy day...

Saturday: Agility Training

I actually enjoy getting up in the mornings now.  The only reason it's possible is because I'm jet-lagged, but hey.  I'll take what I can get.  Maybe I can make it stay this way (for a while at least).  On a normal Saturday morning, I would be waking up right about now.  Today I've been up all morning and have done a couple of things.  My days are fuller I guess you could say.

It started with getting up at 08.00 and getting ready to see my brother and Nike go to their agility training.  We left to be there at 09.00 and came only to be told by the teacher that we weren't supposed to be there until 10.00.  We only live like 5 minutes away so we just drove home and waited a while and went back.

Oh my goodness.  I loved the training.  Sooo cute and the dogs are so clever ;)

Came back and swam and then made lunch and now its 13.00 and I've actually done stuff today and have plans to go shopping soon as well.  Go me?

I haven't really hung out with friends since I came back yet but I will get around to it.  I'm just so busy all the time and spending time with my family or just so exhausted that i can't make it through the evening with a bunch of people.  I guess I just need a little more coffee?  Either way, I have to continue cleaning my room now.  It's a work in progress...

A long time ago I was in my room with my brother and sister and we were reading or watching something or something but I don't really remember what.  Anyways, we lost track of what each of the others were doing and suddenly we realized that my brother, about 3 or 4 years old at the time, was facedown, asleep on the floor, with his head under the bed. 

And now, Nike is doing the same thing.  And occasionally running in his sleep... 

Friday, July 23, 2010

I've Never Been This Far Away From Home

I miss Umeå so so very much. But it's nice to be home here.  I have two homes though and I can never be both places at once :(

So here are some pictures from the past week!

Almost everyone I love from Umeå :P

Abbey Road

Ramsele (my ancestors who died 1898 are buried there)

Dea & Morris

Bockholmen <3

More Bockholmen (our stuga) <3

Dinner 2 nights before I left with Carro, Jennie & Ellilo

Imma miss this bar.  It was actually the only bar I went to in Umeå.  I never cared to go anywhere else haha.  Hanna L: It's like our second home!

Down by the kajen before going to the busses

Saying goodbye through glass and phone lines


Dinner with the family the night before I left

All packed and ready to go

Skype and proof that Jennie misses me :)

The disaster that is my unpacking.
This is where I'm headed now.
Wish me luck.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Guess Who's Back (YET again)

Home.  Feels good.
This is the abridged version cause I honestly just do not have the energy to recap whats been going on in life.

Maybe later when i'm feeling more taggad.

Right now I'm filling out forms for the housing at UTD and listening to Aerosmith :)
Ate corndogs for lunch and korean food for dinner last night.  Swam, picked up a job application, scheduled a doctors appointment, did some groceries, and I haven't even been here for 24 hours yet...

Sooo much left to do.

Janie's got a gun...<3

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Color Me Ecstatic


So much fun :)

Bara Hanna Gay

Gayish ringde nyss och sa att hon är i Umeå.  Det innebar att Jennie ringde och vaknade hela gänget och sa till dem att komma in till stan.  Nu ska vi ha vår sista gång med hela gänget.

Det kommer att bli jätte...depressing.  Men samtidigt är jag otroligt glad att jag får den här sista stund...

Vi hörs.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Girls Night Out

Today has been composed of fetching my passport, fixing things at Arbetsförmedlingen and then  meeting Dea and Elina at Apberget.  We caught up a bit and then went and got some sandwiches and had a picnic in SF park.

While we were sitting outside SF we decided to catch a movie tonight as well.  So we're gonna watch Sex and the City 2.  Suuuper excited.  Jennie hasn't seen the first movie though so that's what we're doing now and then we'll meet up with Dea, Elina, Hanna L, and Lykke later :)


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sorry I Cannot Hear You, I'm Kind of Busy

Today has been an eventful day of town, meeting Dea & Elina at the bus station and then making the most amazing dinner ever.

(stolen from Jennie)

Right now I just colored my hair and am on my way to a mysig evening of Ben&Jerry's half baked ice cream (Baked Alaska) and watching a great show.

Vi hörs ;)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

2 Things.

Saw A-Team.  So incredibly funny that I would recommend everyone to watch it.  Or, everyone that has decent taste in films and wants to see an action film that is super funny, full of great action scenes, and manages to hold onto a plot throughout it all (no matter how predictable it may be at times, still so worth it).

The trailer is below:

The song of the moment.  Jennie and I die whenever we hear this.  Which has become more and more often because vi kan helt enkelt inte låt bli ;)


Woke up this morning and ate breakfast out on the balcony.  Went out with Milton :)
Then it was to town, where I bought a pair of leggings and small things.  We ate ice cream out on Apberget and then just chilled.

We decided that we wanted to see a movie tonight so we went and looked at the times and then just sat in the park and listened to Eminem (and trying desperately to find what song we had been singing all day, it turned out to be Nail in the Coffin).  After that we came home and then decided to hang with Jennie's sister and her boyfriend and go to the beach at Nydala.  The sun disappeared so we ended up just eating a salad and playing a card game...

(stolen from Jennie)

But now we're home and have eaten and are getting ready to go to the movies :)

A-Team 21.30 ;)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Just joined a really amazing website called Ideeli.  Basically it's hookups with brand name clothes and shoes for a fraction of the price.  Totally legit too :)

These shoes are Guess and go for 120 USD generally but are sold here for 47 USD.  Not bad, eh?  Thats less than 400:- compared to 915:-

Bang Bang

Besviken samt jättenöjd med mina betyg.  högsta betyg i Svenska B HL. HAHAHA.

Igår var Jennie och jag ute vid halv elva på natten och lekte på dungen :)

Idag var det till Arbetsförmedlingen, The Phone House (Jennie köpte en ordentlig nifty telefon), och bara ut på stan.  Själv köpte jag en Haus of GaGa t-shirt från H&M och leggings från Only.  Inte dålig.  Vi åt på Frasses. Haha, vi var helt borta då vi gick in.  Tjejen framför kassan måste tro att vi är helt galna freaks.

Vi bestämde att vi skulle ta en kebabtallrik eftersom det var dagens rätt och det var 10 minuter kvar på lunchtid.

Jag: Kebabtallrik.
Hon: -knappar in blah blah blah-
Jag: -kollar priset där det stor 75:- varav dagens rätt är 59:-
Jag: men..
Jennie: nej men det är väl 59:- va?
Jag: alltså dagens rätt
Hon: -kollar upp på scheman-
Hon: ...det är tisdag idag.
Oss: ...jaha.

Monday, July 5, 2010

J + H För Alltid

Jaa nu befinner jag mig hos bästisen :D

(Jag fick alldeles nyss veta att jag kan fint svenska!)

Men iaf.  Jag har fixat många saker idag så jag är jättestolt över mitt själv.  Och sen har Jennie och jag följt med hennes mamma överallt (ÖoB, Willy's, etc.) och sen ätit hamburgar :)  Det var väldigt skönt att vara tillbaks i stan.  Efter allt detta gick vi ner till älven och satt och lyssnade till Eminem och kollade på folk some var ute springande.

Väldigt skönt.

Milton får sitt eget vagn :D

Bästisar <3

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Tomorrow I move to Jennie's.  I'm super taggad! :D
I have some errands to run in town first, including buying a bus ticket, renewing my passport and returning a library book.

Hm.  Watching True Blood now.  Season 3 :)
I'm surprised at how much I love this show.